Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Scared and free.

Ever since I posted my last blog, I’ve been thinking of a new topic to write about. Something interesting. Something that you would care about. Something that I would care about.  

Unfortunately, I had nothing. 

Now I’m not the type of person who ever has nothing to talk about. In fact, ask my friends and they’ll tell you that I’m the type who has so much to say, I talk so fast to fit it all in 24 hours. 

So it’s not that there was a lack of topics. Or that my life has been eventless since February (2012 that is –yes, I haven’t written in a year and 3 months). As a matter of fact, so much has happened since then, it scares me to even think about it. I quit my old job, I moved 2000 miles away from home, I got a new job, I co-founded an NGO, I fell in love, I fell out of love, I took a solo trip, I met countless amazing people, and most importantly, I learned more than I ever thought was possible in the span of a year. 

So it definitely wasn’t that either. 

The reason I stopped writing is because –as clichéd as it sounds –I didn’t know what voice I should be writing with.  I still don’t. I think I’m going through this stage in life where I’m just trying to figure it out. I never thought I’d live to see the day when I say this because as far as I was concerned, I’ve had it figured out since I was 5. I was going to grow up to be a doctor by the age of 28, then marry Mr. Perfect and have his gorgeous babies. 

So I’m definitely not a doctor (I’m also not 28 yet so I still might meet Mr. Perfect by then or later and have his gorgeous babies.). I’m not even working in anything that has to do with science which had always been my kinda thing.   

I’m actually working in PR, thinking of maybe going to law school, or maybe becoming a diplomat, or a politician, or a teacher. Some days, I want to sing for the rest of my life. And on others, I want to start my own thing. I’m all over the place. I’m so all over the place that I have 3 different standardized test prep books sitting on my desk as I’m not sure if the next step is law school, med school or just a good ol’ Master’s degree. 

I’m sure this is an inevitable stage in life. But some struggle through it more than others. And for someone who has always made plans, stuck to them and put deadlines on every next step, this is a mess. It gets you to doubt everything else about your being and you start going all Oprah and questioning life and its purpose and your calling and your personality and who you are and who you should be and and and the list goes on. 

Now I can’t say I’m writing again because I figured it out. Nor can I confirm that I ever will. But I think I’m starting to realize that maybe it’s not such a bad thing if I don’t. 

Am I scared? More than ever. But I’m free. I’m scared and free.


  1. Miss Rita, I finally came to the comfortable understanding that my blog posts don't always have to be funny or profound. These unspoken stipulations were making it ridiculously difficult to write. Keep it easy and think of it as your journal that everyone gets to read if they want.


    1. :) Sorry that I'm only getting to respond to these comments now. That's what I've been doing! Be sure to check out the latest post.

      Miss and love you!

  2. I completely understand what you're saying. I didn't know what direction to take. I decided to just start writing and let it take it's course.

    1. Milena, do share your blog as i'd love to read it!

  3. Welcome Back Rita.. we missed you here. keep on writing, coz even when u have no topic, you are saying a lot ! we enjoy reading you !

    1. xxx :) Sorry only getting to these comments now!

  4. Ktebe wala yiihemmik
    Abou el Naj bilemmik :P

    On a side note, I never knew you had a blog and enjoyed reading this. I think writing the way you do can maybe help you deciding what you want to do next in your life. Writing and Blogging make things clearer in ur mind and reading others' comments is as important as well :-)

    1. Haha Thanks abou al Naj. Sorry for the late response!

  5. It is only when everything is uncertain that everything is possible. So there. Enjoy it!

    1. Thank you Tarek! For some reason I never got a notification for comments on this post. Please do share my latest post: When the Control Freak Faces the Uncontrollable.

      Don't forget to follow the blog so you receive future posts in your inbox.


  6. Forget about med school, it will kill you :P
    Great post, I somehow relate to you a lot!!

    1. Sorry I didn't get to this till now :) Maybe I'll forget about it. haha Thanks for reading and please don't forget to share the blog and follow it so you get future blogs in your inbox.

